Julle het dalk gesien dat daar heelwat nuwe gesigte by die swembad tydens die skool se oefensessies die laaste paar weke is. Ons het verskeie swemafrigters vir onderhoude genooi en vir hulle die geleentheid gebied om prakties met ons leerders te werk. Na verskeie onderhoude is ons baie opgewonde om die span van Aqua Crazy by ons te verwelkom! Hulle het vir ons ‘n kort beskrywing oor hulself gestuur:
Good day Jan Van Riebeeck parents/guardians
We are pleased to be on board and part of the JvR family. We would like to extend our greatest gratitude for the opportunity to further improve the quality of the swimming program and the swimming ability of the children. To build and grow the swimming program within the school, we will be offering private swimming classes to all JvR students. Classes will be made available during each PT period and after hours between 15:00 – 18:00 and Sat 09:00 – 13:00.
Furthermore, students who have grown within our individual and group lessons can enrol in the swimming club to improve stamina and endurance. We are excited to see what the future holds for all our little swimmers.
Contact us via info@aquacrazy.co.za or WhatsApp 083 765 6521
Visit our website: https://www.aquacrazy.co.za/
Kontak hulle gerus vir meer inligting.